Application Guidelines

A competitive, independent selection process will determine which applicants will be invited to participate in the April showcase. The application consists of an online form designed by investors to capture the key information they would typically inquire about in an in-person meeting. Please begin preparing your submission as soon as possible if you are interested in applying! 


Applications have closed for 2025. 

Step 1: Overview

  • Company or Team Name
  • Brief description of what you do (e.g. “we created a new water treatment system for municipalities”; “we discovered a plant-based treatment for atopic dermatitis”)
  • What lab/university are you based in, affiliated with, licensed from, etc.?
  • Have you formed a company yet?
  • What grants have you received for this venture? Capital invested, revenue generated, etc.?

Step 2: Key Information 

  • Describe your company and the problem you are trying to solve. (250 words)
  • What is/was your go-to-market strategy? What partnerships are you seeking/developing? (250 words)
  • How will/do you generate revenue? (250 words)
  • What is your “ask” to investors, and how will you use the funding (or resources)? (250 words)
  • Who are the members of your team, and why is this the right team to get the job done? (150 words)
  • Please provide a three-minute video describing your innovation.

Please note that your responses will be used to build your profile for the showcase.