Sustainability / Clean Tech

ProsumerGrid, Inc.

ProsumerGrid has developed powerful software platform, Grid+DER Planning Studio(TM), capable of simulating the modern electrical power system with large amounts of distributed energy resources (DERs). The Studio uses groundbreaking optimization algorithms and advanced simulation to achieve high-fidelity simulations of DER-optimized distribution system operations.

Abstract Engineering Inc.

Shower utility waste costs US hotels $10B annually in water, sewer & gas. Plus, water & steam related building damage caused by aging fixtures and wasteful guest shower use cost hotels 10X more in repair & maintenance costs.  Studies from Lawrence Berkeley National Labs show that 70% of bathers leave their showers unattended for 2 minutes on average after their shower is warm, and 1 out of every 100 showers are left running unoccupied for over 4 hours.