Mobius AI, Inc.

Mobius AI, Inc.

We are making the world more accessible by giving transportation businesses the Artificial Intelligence they need for vehicle scheduling, routing, and energy-use management.

Company Formed
Company Info

Mobius AI, Inc. is a software technology company leveraging Artificial Intelligence to provide a B2B SaaS product for transportation companies and municipalities. If people or things need to be moved on any vehicle platform, then our product can be used. In the transportation industry’s current state, fleets are a major source of inefficiency and complexity, especially as they struggle to adapt to newer technological disruptions of electrification and autonomy. Current transportation technologies cannot simultaneously optimize routing, manage disruptions, improve services, and save energy. Existing tools operate on static two-dimensional maps, narrowly understand customer demand, and have limited experience with mixed fleets. Additionally, existing technologies live in a SaaS “black box”, and there is a major disconnect between user- collaborations and understanding the “why” behind product solutions and capabilities. Ultimately, these problems lead to increased operating expenses, lost revenue, and degrading service outcomes.  Mobius’s proprietary technology solves for, and stays ahead, of the growing situational complexities to move from Point A to Point B, on a large scale, as efficiently and effectively as possible. We use artificial intelligence to reduce uncertainty in demand forecasting, predictive scheduling, predictive resource allocation, and dynamic dispatching re-optimization. We account for the energy and cost outcome variances in internal combustion engines (ICE) or electric vehicle (EV) platforms to deploy the most efficient vehicle. Finally, we incorporated a human-AI LLM interface to promote collaboration and interoperability that allows customization to scale. These solutions increase revenue, reduce operating costs, and improve services outcomes for transportation companies and municipalities.

Team Members

Our Executive Team includes over 35 years of leadership and transportation experience between Amazon, FedEx, General Electric, the United States Military. Our Executive Team also includes over 25 years of Artificial Intelligence research and product development through Vanderbilt University’s Institute for Software Integrated Services (ISIS) and Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). Our advisory board consists of both industry and academic research experience within corporations, transportation, venture start-ups, and artificial intelligence fields.  We believe our team affords us a competitive advantage. The academics within our executive team and advisory board are leaders in their respective fields. The operators within our executive team and advisory board have launched, realigned, scaled, and exited businesses across the healthcare, transit, and transportation industries. Not only do we have breadth and depth with intellectual property, but we know how to launch and execute at scale.

Go-To-Market Strategy

Generally, our go-to-market strategy is to simplify, then amplify through a deliberate customer-by-market sequence. There are four phases. Phase 1 (Beachhead) consists of product development and launch in our beachhead market – Non-emergency Medical (NEMT) companies. Once we amplify in this market, we transition to Phase 2 (Transit Expansion), and transfer the technology to Micro transit and Paratransit companies within major metropolitan areas. Once the foothold is established with these transit providers, we will transition to Phase 3 (Mass Transit) and leverage the experience to compete for municipal contracts that are already using sub-contractors with our technology (Phase 1 & 2). Phase 4 (Freight) follows the same simplify, then amplify strategy, but consists of small to medium-sized companies as our beachhead with enterprise companies as our end-target. We will create awareness, interest, and desire through successful use cases, trade shows, and network partnerships. Our executive team’s experience creates a competitive advantage in launch execution and scalable growth.  We have already secured our first two customers within our beachhead market (NEMT) that operate within 15 states and represent $480,000 in forecasted annual revenue. We have also established a partnership with one Micro transit company to develop and launch the Phase 2 (Transit Expansion) markets. Finally, we are in preliminary discussions to partner with another routing software company to provide our backend AI-engine license for their municipal SaaS product, or, Phase 3 (Mass Transit). Supporting partnerships include Vanderbilt University that is ongoing through their Institute for Software Integrated Systems (ISIS) lab.

Revenue Generation

We generate revenue through a licensing model with transit and transportation businesses and municipalities. There is a “turnkey” and an “AI engine” licensed product. The “turnkey” product comes with the full suite of front-end user interfaces that small to large businesses and municipalities require. The “AI Engine” licensed product is the backend underlying technology that can be licensed out to enterprise-level companies that want to keep their existing front-end interfaces. Each license, regardless of either product, is attached to a single vehicle within a fleet. The license is billed on a per month basis with typical terms from 18-24 months.  License options range from $70 to $130 per month depending on the features required and market segment. For the transit markets, licensing prices range from $70 to $110 per vehicle per month. For delivery markets, licensing prices range from $90 to $130 per vehicle per month. The respective ranges include basic, intermediate, and advanced feature offerings. Both pricing models are benchmarked against industry averages. For market sizes, we believe we can capture $115 million in our Beachhead (NEMT) in under 5 years. For the larger markets, we expect to capture $2.3 billion in the transit market, and $3.2 billion in the transportation market in years 8-10. These projections are based on near-peer competitor financials assessed to be highly likely to capture.

Benefits From Showcase

The ask is $1.1 million via SAFE agreement at an $8 million post-money valuation. We expect to need these funds by Q2 of 2026 that will allow us 24 months of run rate, with 6-months of buffer, to reach our breakeven point in Q4 of 2027. The use of funds is primarily for additional software engineering hires, marketing, sales, and additional SGA. For engineering $700,000 is allocated for 5 additional employees focused on operations implementation, product development, and ongoing customer service requirements. For marketing, we intend to allocate $50,000 between search engine optimization, participation in industry trade shows, and educational podcasts. For sales, $100,000 is allocated for a dedicated account executive that doubles as a customer success manager. For SGA, we allocated $260,000 for a Chief Financial Officer and Product Manager. These resources, in addition to start up resources, allows Mobius AI to market, sell, develop, onboard, and maintain services for our beachhead, transit, and transportation markets through annual revenue north of $115 million in year 5.  Additionally, we are seeking an investing partner that has relevant transit and transportation network partnerships to accelerate our go-to-market plan.

Technology Assesment

Over the last 24 months, we successfully piloted our prototype SaaS product within Chattanooga’s (CARTA) public transit authority within their Microtransit and Paratransit services. This prototype was originally developed through an NSF SCC research and development grant under Vanderbilt University’s academic research lab. In 2024, after standing up Mobius AI and transferring the technology over from Vanderbilt University, we successfully completed a second pilot by prototyping our product with our first customer.   Currently, Mobius AI is in the middle of product development for a fully commercially viable product for the NEMT, Microtransit, and Paratransit markets. We expect to launch our MobiMOTION product in Q3 | 2025. The frontend user interface user experience (UI/UX) and supporting administrative functions requires the bulk of the development. The UI/UX development is a much lighter lift than developing the “backend AI engine” and will conduct A/B testing with the new front-end interface in Q1 | 2025. The backend underlying Artificial Intelligence technology is in the production environment. It is complete with AI-driven demand forecasting, predictive scheduling, predictive resource allocation, and dynamic dispatching re-optimization. Our backend AI also has energy optimization features for ICE and EV vehicle platforms in production. The human AI-LLM interface capability is still in prototype, and we expect to deploy this feature in Q1 | 2026. Looking further ahead, we have a deliberate approach between research and development, customer feedback, and customer discovery as it relates to our product roadmap that allows us to stay at the forefront of technology trends and requirements.

Money Received

Mobius AI received $500,000 from an Angel investor in April 2024. We are also conditionally approved for a $50,000 investment from LaunchTN. 

Additional Features