We provide decision support software and analytical services for the economic analysis of renewable energy resources on the electric grid. We are developing an innovative platform that can determine the optimal operational regimes and optimal deployment (as in type, location, size) options of energy resources anywhere on the grid (Transmission/Distribution/microgrid an customer).
ProsumerGrid has developed powerful software platform, Grid+DER Planning Studio(TM), capable of simulating the modern electrical power system with large amounts of distributed energy resources (DERs). The Studio uses groundbreaking optimization algorithms and advanced simulation to achieve high-fidelity simulations of DER-optimized distribution system operations. The Studio includes modules for Hosting capacity, DER locational value assessment and Distribution System Operator simulation which provides an environment in which various propositions of participant roles, policy rules and energy service exchanges can be studied to achieve a robust marketplace design. Traditional integrated resource planning for bulk power, transmission and distribution utilities are being challenged by new technologies and significant load growth driven by data centers and AI. Distribution and customer grids never had to deal with generation resources at the distribution level. Analysis tools for planning the future similar to those used on the bulk power systems (optimal power flow, unit commitment, production costing) do not exist for distribution system or customers (behind the meter). A sophisticated software tool is needed that combines the physics of the distribution network and customer grids with distributed energy resource models and advanced artificial intelligence and machine leaning planning algorithms.
Why is this difficult?
- Distribution circuits are 3-phase, unbalanced and nonlinear.
- Optimization of the distribution systems is difficult because of the hundreds on nodes and physics of electricity.
- Utilities have thousands of distribution circuits that must be modeled in detail.
- Distributed Energy Resouces for a large utility can be in the millions and must be modeled in detail.
Santiago Grijalva, PhD. is Chairman of the Board and Chief Technology Officer and co-founder. He is an internationally recognized expert on electricity systems: real-time power system controls, smart grids and renewable energy integration. He is the Georgia Power Distinguished Professor. He is pioneer in the areas of decentralized power system control, unified network algorithm and energy internet. John A Higley, is EVP Industry Engagement and co-founder. He is a retried Managing Partner of Deloitte Consulting's, Energy and Utilities Practice. He was SVP at Energy Management Associates the developers of PROMOD the first multi-area production costing software and was a co-designer of PROSCREEN, first integrated resource planning software. . He is a graduate of the Georgia Tech. He served on the initial Advisory Board of EnerTech Capital Partners, an energy venture capital firm. Dr. Grijalva and Mr. Higley have both been with a previous start-ups that developed software for the utility industry.
Our business model is built around the framework of getting multi-year license agreements from clients. Providing those clients with initial technical assistance and training to build their ProsumerGrid data base, validate that data base and run assistance with any use cases they request. We will also provide any analytical service or consulting for an addition fee. Our market is primary the 2000+ distribution utilites (investor, municipals and coops) then independent power producer and developer of renewable energy projects. The good news is that we know where they are and who they are. So direct marketing is the strategy. We have participated in the several trade shows in the industry, the most notable one is DistribuTech which annually bring together 10,000 folks, utilities as will as industry vendors. In 2023 ProsumerGrid was select 1st placebas the Duke Energy Innovation Company of the Year. When currently have the capability to demonstrate the Planning Studio to clients. When we have the Planning Studio ready for clients access on AWS we will be reaching to utilites to find several to pilot test their systems using their data. We have spoken to 100 utilities and have 8 to 10 that would like to do a pilot.
To-date we have generated over $ 3 million in revenue from providing analytical or consulting service to clients. When we complete having The Planning Studio running on AWS or other cloud service we will be licensing to clients for an average of $ 250,000/year. If we get 10% of the market, we have $ 50million in revenue. We will continue to do consulting project as well.
We are looking for a strategic partner that can help us finish the final steps to commercialization. We will use the funding to either out-source the task of getting the Planning Studio up and running on AWS or other cloud platforms or we will hire software engineers to complete the final steps of having a product ready to deliver to clients. Some funds will go to a targeted marketing campaign. We are open to terms and conditions and are seeking $ 500,000 to $ 1,000,000
The ARPA-e project allowed us to work with Southern California Edision, the New York Smart Grid Consortium, Avangird, National Grid and ten electric membership coops to understand the requirement of what was needed for the new new thing for modeling the energy transition. Todate, we have designed and built the Grid+DER Planning Studio(TM) (Planning Studio) to address the multiple planning issues facing the electric power industry. Using the Technology & Commercialization Readiness Level Calculator we are T8 C4. The Planning Studio is a working project with five modules that each address different planning issues at a utility. The Planning Studio and the ProsumerGrid staff have used the platform to provided consulating projects to validate the concept and product viability. Some of those project were: Grid Redesign of Puerto Rico for PUREA and DOE, EV Hub for Califormia, for large EV company, Feasibility and Optimal location on the Grid of Energy Storage for Southern Compant/EPRI and the Integrated EV & DER Forecast & Distribution Impact Assessment a 10 year planning horizon for Avangrid's Binghamton District.
DOE ARPA-e grant for $ 3.4 million, 76West Clean Energy Award from New York State Energy Reseach Authority for $ 250,000 and Techstars for $ 20,000